Textbook Definition of Infertility
When you decide you want to conceive, it can be an emotional roller coaster if there are any delays to that plan. Although the textbook definition of infertility is no conception after a year of trying, women often seek assistance prior to that. One of the first things we review is your menstrual cycle so it is very helpful to be tracking your cycle and ovulation, if possible. The technology works in our favor and there are many apps that record this information. We are looking for cycle length, consistency, and ovulation. Although some women have physical signs of ovulation, others do not. An inexpensive way of managing that is with basal body temperature charting (BBT). Typically, we recommend taking your temperature first thing in the morning, before you even get up to use the restroom, and charting it. This will graph over time and help pinpoint your ovulation. If we need to intervene to assist you to become pregnant, this is valuable information to assist with your success.
Hormone Levels
We will also check your hormone levels. This can give information about what the cause of infertility might be and how to fix it. There are many different hormones that, work together for our menstrual cycle. If a specific hormone is out of balance, we can use medication to correct that therefore improving our chances of spontaneous conception. There are many times, however, when all hormones will return to normal. Although it can be frustrating to not have a perfect answer for why, we can still aid in conception.
Assist With Conception
Our practice frequently uses oral medication that can assist with conception. We typically use Clomid or letrozole, depending on individual patient characteristics, to help us ovulate a bigger and better egg. We follow you monthly through this process. If during your evaluation and treatment it seems you need more than oral medications, we are happy to refer you to more intensive treatment. Our goal is your goal – to have a successful pregnancy! We want to help you do that in whatever way is best for you. A semen analysis is also a crucial component. Male factor infertility is a large proportion of causes and cannot be left out. If the male factor is playing a role, we recommend evaluation by a urologist experienced with fertility. There can be both medical and procedural treatments to address male factor infertility.
Related Services
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Abnormal Pap Smear
During your annual exam, a pap smear is performed.
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Meet The Team
Dr. Bertles is licensed by the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners and is board-certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Amanda Smith, PA-C, spent the first 15 years of her career in primary care and is excited to join Progressive Women's Care and Dr. Bertles as she brings her primary care knowledge to women's health.

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