We are here to answer your questions
Frequently Asked Questions
How much should I eat during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, your intake on average should be increased by 300 extra calories.
On average, weight gain of 20-30 pounds is ideal (0-5 pounds in the first 12 weeks, and ½ pound-1 pound a week after that). Some patients may gain more than this and some patients may gain less, but the key is to eat a healthy balanced diet. Especially during early pregnancy when nausea can be significant, eating small more frequent meals can be helpful to prevent heartburn and maintain an even glucose level.
Eat what you enjoy, but make healthy choices with minimal amounts of fats and sweets to prevent excessive weight gain and possible gestational diabetes.
What should I eat or not eat during pregnancy?
Certain fish can accumulate high levels of mercury from swimming in polluted waters. The FDA recommends avoiding those fish that are highest in mercury, including shark, tilefish, swordfish, and sea bass. Shellfish, shrimp and smaller fish such as snapper, tilapia, catfish and salmon are lower in mercury, and up to 12 ounces a week is safe. Canned tuna is low in mercury and can be included in the total of 12 ounces a week. Note tuna steak is higher in mercury than canned tuna, and should be limited to 6 ounces a week
Unpasteurized dairy products and deli meats can carry Listeria, a bacterium that can cause miscarriage and fetal infection. For this reason, we recommend abstaining from unpasteurized dairy products and heating any lunch meat in the microwave prior to consumption.
All fish and meat should be fully cooked since raw fish and meat can carry parasites and other bacteria that could cause harm to the mother and fetus.
There is no safe limit of alcohol in pregnancy. Complete avoidance is the best policy.
Caffeine is safe in small quantities (1-2 8 ounce caffeinated beverages daily). Increased amounts of caffeine can be associated with miscarriage and low birth weight.
Pregnant women are at increased risk for constipation so eating foods rich in fiber can be helpful.
Can I diet during pregnancy?
No. Making healthy choices is good during pregnancy, but maintaining a new strict diet is not. Both you and your baby need proper nutrients and calories for a healthy pregnancy.
Can I exercise?
Maintaining an active lifestyle is wonderful for you and the baby. If you have an uncomplicated pregnancy, you can continue your current exercise regimen with a few modifications. With your activity, keep a maximum heart rate of about 140 beats per minute. Avoid exercises that require you to lay flat on your back.
If you are not a regular exerciser, walk for 20-30 minutes 3-5 times a week, and consider prenatal yoga. Pregnancy is not the time to start a strenuous exercise regimen.
Those patients with complications such as bleeding, preterm labor or high blood pressure should not exercise.
What about sex?
Sex is safe in pregnancy unless you have complications such as bleeding, preterm contractions, or a low-lying placenta. After intercourse, you may experience mild uterine contractions or light bleeding. The contractions will resolve and should not induce labor in a normal, preterm pregnancy. Light bleeding can be normal but heavy bleeding like a period is not. Unless we tell you otherwise, continue your normal sexual practices if you want to.
Can I get my hair colored?
Can I paint my baby’s room?
Can I take a bath?
Normal temperature baths, less than 98 degrees, are safe during pregnancy and can be soothing. Exposure to higher temperatures for prolonged times can be associated with birth defects such as spina bifida. If you are concerned, consider a bathtub thermometer.
Can I travel?
Flying is safe during pregnancy, but pregnant women are at increased risk for blood clots so in any travel greater than 2 hours make sure you get up and walk. You can consider wearing a compression hose, as well. During an uncomplicated pregnancy, it is safe to fly. We recommend no travel unless urgent after 32 weeks.
What if I have a cat?
Cats can be carriers of Toxoplasmosis, that can be passed to humans through feces. If possible, have another family member change the litter box during pregnancy or if you must, wear gloves.
What medications can I take?
Please see the list below to see safe choices for medications in pregnancy. If you need a medication that is not on the list or receive a prescription from another physician, please call us during business hours prior to starting a new medication. There are some medications that we know are safe, and there are other medications that we cannot assure safety during pregnancy. The general consensus is to take only the medication that you need and do so sparingly.
- Cold, Flu, Congestion – Tylenol 650-1000 mg, Actifed, Sudafed, Benadryl, Tylenol Cold & Sinus, Mucinex
- Allergies – Claritin, Allergra, Zyrtec, Flonase, Benadryl
- Cough – Robitussin, cough drops, throat spray
- Fever or Headache – Tylenol 650-1000 mg
- Heartburn – Tums, Maalox, Mylanta, Zantac, Pepcid, Prilosec
- Constipation – Metamucil, Fiber supplement, Miralax, Dulcolax suppositories, Colace
- Diarrhea – Immodium, Lomotil, Kaopectate
- Hemorrhoids – Tucks, Preparation H, Anusol
- Backache – Heating pad on low setting, Tylenol 650-1000 mg, Bengay, Icy Hot
- Nausea – Vit B6, unisom, ginger
- Gas – Mylicon, Mylanta
Do I have to lie/sleep on my left side?
Is ultrasound safe?
Obstetric ultrasound has been extensively studied and found to be safe for the baby, however, it is recommended to limit the number of ultrasounds to that which is medically indicated.
At Progressive Women’s Care, this includes an average of 3-4 ultrasounds. The first ultrasound is done to confirm an intrauterine pregnancy, check the heartbeat and confirm your due date.
An optional ultra screen to assess statistical risk for Down syndrome and trisomy 18 can be done between 11 and 13 weeks.
An optional gender scan can be done at 16 weeks for a $75 charge.
A comprehensive anatomy ultrasound is done around 20 weeks.
A final ultrasound is done around 36 weeks for growth and fetal wellness.
Can I go to the dentist?
Where will I deliver?
How do I register at the hospital and take a tour?
When will I deliver?
How long will I stay in the hospital?
Who will my baby’s doctor be?
You will need to find your own pediatrician. We can provide a list of recommendations for you, if needed. If your pediatrician does not have privileges at the hospital, there are neonatologists that will take care of your baby while you are in the hospital.
Some patients like to meet and interview the doctor before delivery. After discharge, the first visit with the pediatrician is at 2 weeks, but may depend. It is good to schedule this appointment while you are still in the hospital.
Should I take a childbirth class?
If this is your first baby, you may benefit from a childbirth class. Both Methodist West Houston and Memorial Hermann Katy offer a variety of classes and times. Most people enroll in classes during their third trimester so the information will be fresh in their minds.
Should I get an epidural?
This is a personal decision, but the majority of patients do get an epidural for pain control. They are a safe and effective way of providing pain control without medication exposure for the fetus. Complications are rare and the anesthesiologists are available to answer questions.
Do I need a birth plan?
Patients do not need a birth plan. Our birth plan is for a safe and healthy pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum course. Since there are often events that are unpredictable during the labor process, it is important to keep an open mind and accommodate changes that may result from an unexpected labor event. The safety of you and your baby is our priority. If we recommend a C-section, we expect your full cooperation even though we know a C-section was not your desire. If you have specific wishes, it is best to discuss those early in your prenatal care to assure they can be met and you do not need a referral elsewhere.
Can I deliver vaginally after a C-section?
Will I get induced?
If you desire induction of labor, this can be scheduled during your 39th week. There are often unpredictable complications of pregnancy that may warrant induction such as high blood pressure, poor fetal growth, low amniotic fluid, or being more than a week past your due date. The decision to induce will be for maternal and fetal well-being.
If we recommend a medically necessary induction, we expect your full cooperation even if induction was not your desire.
Will I have an episiotomy?
Should I have my baby boy circumcised?
The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend circumcision for any medical indication therefore, this is a personal decision. If you desire circumcision, this will be performed after the pediatrician has cleared the baby, but before you are discharged from the hospital.
Should I collect my baby’s cord blood?
This is a personal decision. Cord blood contains stem cells that can be collected and stored for possible use in the future. There is extensive research that is ongoing with stem cells and new uses are frequently discovered. At this time, there are no public banks in the Houston area however, private banking can be done at a cost to you. For more information, please visit the following websites:
How do I prepare for breastfeeding?
During my pregnancy when should I call the doctor?
You should call the doctor under the following circumstances.
- Heavy vaginal bleeding, more than spotting
- Painful and persistent cramping
- Inability to tolerate food and drink
- Breaking of water like a gush of fluid or persistent leakage
- Decreased fetal movement
- Regular painful contractions about 5 minutes apart for more than 1 hour
- If you aren’t sure about your symptoms, you are always welcome to be evaluated at the hospital
How do I contact my doctor in an emergency?
How often are my appointments?
In an uncomplicated pregnancy, your visits will be every 4 weeks until your gestational diabetes screening sometime between 26 and 28 weeks, every 2 weeks thereafter until 36 weeks, and weekly after that.
During a routine visit, you will have a urine screening, weight, and blood pressure measurement performed. We will also listen to the fetal heartbeat and measure fetal growth.
What if I have other questions?
Keep a list of your questions and bring them to your appointments to review. If you have a more urgent question, please call the office during office hours.
Meet The Team
Dr. Bertles is licensed by the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners and is board-certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Amanda Smith, PA-C, spent the first 15 years of her career in primary care and is excited to join Progressive Women’s Care and Dr. Bertles as she brings her primary care knowledge to women’s health.